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Immunoglobulin E (IgE)

Standardized to the 2nd Reference Preparation of Human Serum Immunoglobulin E (IgE) (NIBSC code: 75/502) of the WHO (World Health Organisation).

Applications available for the most common analyzers of Clinical Chemistry. For example Advia®, Alinity C, AU®, Atellica™, cobas® C, Optilite® or Mindray among others.

Clinical Significance of the Immunoglobulin E (Total IgE)

The measurement of IgE is indicated in the diagnosis and monitoring of allergic disorders. IgE is also elevated in parasitism and immunodeficiency syndromes. In children with recurrent respiratory tract diseases IgE determination has a prognostic significance, as well as in IgE Myelomas.


IgE Total, Allergic disorders, WHO code 75/502, Turbidimetric Immunoassays, TIA.